Code4HK is an Android spyware application which is designed to do mass surveillance. Here is a quick analysis of a Code4HK sample that we got:
Sample name: fe1df17ab903979223e5eb514ffe24f72d540ad26f959201133f30a1346870df.apk
MD5: 15e5143e1c843b4836d7b6d5424fb4a5
SHA1: c1e9ebd0b5ac7b6c50c69af219d163393d52df99
The detection rate by AVs is still really low (2/53 on 2014-9-29):
Using Baksmali, we disassemble the APK:
Smali files:
Let’s have a look at the MainActivity file
We can see that MainActivity seem to copy a qq.xml
file to another apk named temp.apk
in an hidden .qq
directory located on the sdcard created by the sample.
Look in the apk file:
A quick look at detection rate on VT
The same files after disassembling the temp.apk:
Smali files:
In PhoneReceiver.smali file, a method onReceive is invoked:
It first starts looking when a phone call arrives, it gets the number calling in and starts a media recorder:
Then it gets the current date:
And finally saves the file in the folder /data/data/com.v1/.record/
in amr
format, an audio compression format optimised for speech coding
The Constructor starts a stream service to send the collected data, it tries to connect to
) on port 0x596 (1480)
In a private method called c
, the aplication is reading a configuration file
Asset file:
It creates a text file with an explicit name : gps.txt
And gets position with baidu API:
And gets the list of email accounts and saves it to a txt, html file and sqlitedb.
And it gets other data like SMS, Wifi list, browser history…
C&Cs are still reachable:
Launching the sample in an Android emulator
It asks for the install of the second apk
Then the application is running in the background (china) (see in other part) (korea) (china)